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A life like a toilet

One day God decided to teach him a lesson. So he found himself walking in a lonely place. He wants to shit but there was no toilet. He looked everywhere but no toilet could be found. The situation was getting worse as the shit was becoming uncontrollably ready to rush out.
Suddenly he sighted a toilet afar so he managed himself to get there. He was now eagerly ready to download the shit and get himself relieved. But when he opened the toilet door ...the first batch of flies that welcomed him in were so terrible. Still he entered. Then the whole floor was a complete mess- all sort of rubbish ...fresh and dried.
As if they do not matter, he ignored them all and carefully tiptoed until he got to the toilet sit. Lo and behold when he looked into the toilet sit, ''Oh my goodness!'' he cried out, ''what kind of a toilet is this? This is more than dirty. I can't use this one. Over my dead body. Oh no. Not this one.......!
He ran out of the toilet to look for any other means. Then he woke up. Its a dream.
So many of us are like that young man. We want God to use us but we are not ready to make our life fit for Him. Its a good thing to pray God to use you, but its better you set your own very life in order first. Sin is shit. It pollute the heart. Get sin out of your system. Being available isn't enough, we need to make our life straight.
A life like a toilet A life like a toilet Reviewed by Unknown on 4:46:00 AM Rating: 5

