Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.-Elizabeth I
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.-Henry Ward Beecher
I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors.-Joel Osteen
The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.-Henry David Thoreau
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.-Billy Graham
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.-Henry Ward Beecher
I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors.-Joel Osteen
The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness.-Henry David Thoreau
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.-Billy Graham
Prayer is the key to Heaven, but faith unlocks the door.-Anonymous
The whole being of any Christian is faith and love. Faith brings the man to God, love brings him to men.-Martin Luther
You can judge the quality of their faith from the way they behave. Discipline is an index to doctrine.-Tertullian
If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.-John Paul Jones
Knowledge is only one half. Faith is the other.-Novalis
There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds.-Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Faith activates God - Fear activates the Enemy.-Joel Osteen
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.-Thomas Aquinas
Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.-Susan Taylor
There are many things that are essential to arriving at true peace of mind, and one of the most important is faith, which cannot be acquired without prayer.-John Wooden
Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.-Edith Hamilton
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.-Martin Luther King
There is no justification without sanctification, no forgiveness without renewal of life, no real faith from which the fruits of new obedience do not grow.-Martin Luther
Best 18 qoutes about faith that will keep you thinking
Reviewed by Mike
12:08:00 AM