It was another bright Sunday morning. For Sarah, Sunday mornings were usually eagerly awaited. A smile lit up her face as she remembered she song that has been rehearsed the previous day. She had been assigned to do the lead singing - an opportunity many members of the choir craved,especially on Thanksgiving Sundays.
The chiming of the grandfather clock in their state-of-the-art living room broke her reverie. It was already 6:45am.She was almost late for the pre-service prayer meeting for workers. She had a hurried bath and a quick bite. The service would be longer than usual today but far more interesting too. She quickly inspected herself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.
Leaving instructions for the housekeeper, she left the house. Thank God she didn't have to walk. Daddy was out of town so she could go to church in his car. The idea of driving straight to the VIP parking lot was very appealing to her. Daddy, as one of the Deacons, had a special reservation in the VIP parking lot. She got to church in time for the pre-service prayer. Everything seemed solemn that day. Members soon started arriving with various materials for Thanksgiving. The sanctuary was fuller than ever, as typical of Thanksgiving Sundays.
The choir was soon invited to the stage to minister and as always, the end of the song threw the congregation into moments of wild excitements, accompanied by thunderous applauds and screams from the worshippers.Sarah smiled within herself. She always did better than any other person in the choir. They descended the stage and took their seats as the sermon began
The pastor introduced the sermon for the day - Sacrifice of Praise. He talked endlessly-or so it seemed to Sarah and her like - on the essence and importance of praising God and pleasing him. He emphasized that beyond bringing money and other materials for Thanksgiving, believers were supposed to live God-honouring lives everyday. The sermon soon ended and it was time to pray. As the prayer session progressed, Sarah and other back-up singers released soft tunes of worship songs from their seats. She was so enthralled by the melodious harmony of their voices.
Almost immediately, there was this chaotic murmur of voices in the congregation. Sarah opened her eyes and found a few people still in the praying mood. But the majority were busy looking in different directions. She could see something in their eyes. Uncertainty. Confusion or was it panic? And where was the pastor in all of this commotion? Swiftly, she turned to the pulpit area. He was not there! Where on earth could he have gone leaving his congregation in such disarray? A brief scan through the choir seat revealed that some of them were also missing.
Even Matilda wasn't there but her crutches were in sight. Where could she have gone without her crutches? By this time the whole congregation had been thrown into utter confusion. Some of them were seen in small groups, conversing in frantic whispers. Many did not understand what was going on. Sarah ran wildly towards the back of the sanctuary. She had to find mama. Seeing the swivel chair her mother sat on made her heart skip a bit. It couldn't be! Mama was not in her chair, only the bag she had come to church with was there.
Next she made for the church nursery and found all the cradles empty. She saw an old lady, obviously one of the nannies, crying uncontrollably.She tried to find out from her where other nannies had gone and why the cradles were empty. But the nanny couldn't utter a word - only heartbreaking sobs. She dashed back towards the main auditorium. She bumped into Sam, one of her friends whom her mother had consistently warned her against moving around with. He breathlessly confirmed that people were missing and there seemed to be no trace of them.
She decided then to go home. As she made for the gate, she saw Freda. Freda wasn't a member of their church. In fact, mama had tried severally to invite her for service, but she never agreed. What was she doing at the church gate crying so disconsolately?Sarah tried to calm down and ask her friend what the matter was. And the only thing she could muster were "That thing your mother always talked to me about has happened." Sarah was dazed. What was she talking about? Rapture! No, it couldn't be!
As quickly as her legs could carry her, she ran, almost blindly to the house, forgetting the car she came to church in. "Maybe mama is there, maybe Daddy has returned from his trip, maybe Pat and Jane where there too, maybe, just maybe." The deafening silence that greeted her as she walked into the living room which was busy only few hours ago paralyzed her. She picked up her handset. She could put a call through to mama. After a few trials, she remembered seeing mama's bag in her swivel chair behind the church. Calling Daddy was her surest bet. Since he was out of town, there probably weren't such disappearances where he was. Ah! Daddy's number won't even connect! As if drawn by some magnetic force, she made her way to where the radio set was. She could probably get some information from the news. She turned on the radio and tuned. Just as she was about giving up, she had a male voice announcing the sudden disappearance of people in every part of the nation and maybe the world.
The rapture of the saints will take place soon. Like a thief in the night the Lord will come. Those who wait on the Lord, the rapture ready, will be captured; the doubters and they that are drown in their unbelief will be left behind.
The chiming of the grandfather clock in their state-of-the-art living room broke her reverie. It was already 6:45am.She was almost late for the pre-service prayer meeting for workers. She had a hurried bath and a quick bite. The service would be longer than usual today but far more interesting too. She quickly inspected herself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.
Leaving instructions for the housekeeper, she left the house. Thank God she didn't have to walk. Daddy was out of town so she could go to church in his car. The idea of driving straight to the VIP parking lot was very appealing to her. Daddy, as one of the Deacons, had a special reservation in the VIP parking lot. She got to church in time for the pre-service prayer. Everything seemed solemn that day. Members soon started arriving with various materials for Thanksgiving. The sanctuary was fuller than ever, as typical of Thanksgiving Sundays.
The choir was soon invited to the stage to minister and as always, the end of the song threw the congregation into moments of wild excitements, accompanied by thunderous applauds and screams from the worshippers.Sarah smiled within herself. She always did better than any other person in the choir. They descended the stage and took their seats as the sermon began
The pastor introduced the sermon for the day - Sacrifice of Praise. He talked endlessly-or so it seemed to Sarah and her like - on the essence and importance of praising God and pleasing him. He emphasized that beyond bringing money and other materials for Thanksgiving, believers were supposed to live God-honouring lives everyday. The sermon soon ended and it was time to pray. As the prayer session progressed, Sarah and other back-up singers released soft tunes of worship songs from their seats. She was so enthralled by the melodious harmony of their voices.
Almost immediately, there was this chaotic murmur of voices in the congregation. Sarah opened her eyes and found a few people still in the praying mood. But the majority were busy looking in different directions. She could see something in their eyes. Uncertainty. Confusion or was it panic? And where was the pastor in all of this commotion? Swiftly, she turned to the pulpit area. He was not there! Where on earth could he have gone leaving his congregation in such disarray? A brief scan through the choir seat revealed that some of them were also missing.
Even Matilda wasn't there but her crutches were in sight. Where could she have gone without her crutches? By this time the whole congregation had been thrown into utter confusion. Some of them were seen in small groups, conversing in frantic whispers. Many did not understand what was going on. Sarah ran wildly towards the back of the sanctuary. She had to find mama. Seeing the swivel chair her mother sat on made her heart skip a bit. It couldn't be! Mama was not in her chair, only the bag she had come to church with was there.
Next she made for the church nursery and found all the cradles empty. She saw an old lady, obviously one of the nannies, crying uncontrollably.She tried to find out from her where other nannies had gone and why the cradles were empty. But the nanny couldn't utter a word - only heartbreaking sobs. She dashed back towards the main auditorium. She bumped into Sam, one of her friends whom her mother had consistently warned her against moving around with. He breathlessly confirmed that people were missing and there seemed to be no trace of them.
She decided then to go home. As she made for the gate, she saw Freda. Freda wasn't a member of their church. In fact, mama had tried severally to invite her for service, but she never agreed. What was she doing at the church gate crying so disconsolately?Sarah tried to calm down and ask her friend what the matter was. And the only thing she could muster were "That thing your mother always talked to me about has happened." Sarah was dazed. What was she talking about? Rapture! No, it couldn't be!
As quickly as her legs could carry her, she ran, almost blindly to the house, forgetting the car she came to church in. "Maybe mama is there, maybe Daddy has returned from his trip, maybe Pat and Jane where there too, maybe, just maybe." The deafening silence that greeted her as she walked into the living room which was busy only few hours ago paralyzed her. She picked up her handset. She could put a call through to mama. After a few trials, she remembered seeing mama's bag in her swivel chair behind the church. Calling Daddy was her surest bet. Since he was out of town, there probably weren't such disappearances where he was. Ah! Daddy's number won't even connect! As if drawn by some magnetic force, she made her way to where the radio set was. She could probably get some information from the news. She turned on the radio and tuned. Just as she was about giving up, she had a male voice announcing the sudden disappearance of people in every part of the nation and maybe the world.
The rapture of the saints will take place soon. Like a thief in the night the Lord will come. Those who wait on the Lord, the rapture ready, will be captured; the doubters and they that are drown in their unbelief will be left behind.
This story about the day of rapture of the saints will inspire you
Reviewed by Mike
10:17:00 AM

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